With homeowner equity nearly doubling in the last six years, the home improvement industry is arguably the hottest industry to be in right now. Not only is it the fastest growing retail industry, but it’s also one of the most competitive. If you want to stand out in this $425 billion dollar industry, you’re going to want to rank on Google so that your audience can find you. The best way to do this is by creating a home design blog series. 

Why Have a Home Design Blog?

High-quality, strategic blogs often help businesses enjoy a huge ROI.

  • 55% of marketers say blog content is their top inbound marketing priority
  • Small businesses that blog experience 126% more lead growth compared to those that don’t
  • Marketers who prioritize blogging efforts are 13x more likely to experience a positive ROI
  • Companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don’t blog
  • Consumers want to learn about brands from content rather than traditional ads

Why an Entire Series?

Creating a blog series is rife with benefits. Three of the most significant benefits include:

  • Solidified thought leadership
  • Higher page ranking, faster
  • Affordability

Solidified Thought Leadership

Proof of specialization is important in any industry – and home improvement and design is no different. If you try to appear as the expert in everything, you’ll be drowned out by companies that highlight a key primary services. To avoid this, make sure that you’re known for a specific niche or two. For Potter Construction, two niche services are kitchens and basements. For Pathway DC, it’s healthy remodeling and aging in place. 

By repeatedly writing about a specific service, rather than trying to come off the jack-of-all-trades that you may be, you’re far more likely to attract customers looking for that specific service. Once you’ve attracted visitors to your site, they’ll be able to see some of the other services you provide. 

Blogs are also a great way to show off your brand personality. These posts are often educational, entertaining, and sometimes even inspirational in nature. 

Higher Page Ranking, Faster

Blogs don’t grow overnight. To achieve the holy grail of content – a first page ranking on a Google search – you need to be established. It takes the average blog 3 to 6 months to get traction with a search engine, and that’s assuming that the content your publishing is optimized, high-quality, and consistent.

Search engines are looking for the best answers to a query entered in their search bar. If your blog is covering multiple subjects, you run the risk of confusing search engines, and making your opportunity for increased blog traffic take much longer. 

For SEO, the ideal blog post length is currently between 2,100-2,400 words. When creating a home design blog series, start with a marquee post that’s around that length that serves as a guide for the niche you want to highlight. From there, regularly write more blog posts supporting the marquee post that includes a link back to it. For example, if your niche is healthy remodeling, your marquee post can be Everything You Need to Know About Healthy Remodeling and a support story will include articles like 7 Ways to Help Your Home Go Green.

The more posts you write that are high-quality and consistent, the more indexed pages you’ll have on search engines, and the easier it will be for your audience to find you. 


Blog writing is often much cheaper than other forms of marketing. However, if you’re not a writer that is proficient in SEO, we recommend hiring one so that you can achieve the results you’re striving for. 

Content writers vary greatly in price and quality of work, so be sure to do your research before signing a contract with the writer whose right for you. Established writers often charge a hundred or more per post (length and difficulty are major cost factors), but they’re well worth it considering since the average renovation expenditure is $15,000

Competition is tough out there, so get ahead by starting a home design blog and getting known for the projects you do best